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Pumpic for Mac

Pumpic for Mac                   DOWNLOAD

Pumpic for Mac allows users to back up and share an unlimited amount of photos for free. The application is intuitive, and largely automated, making it an excellent solution for backing up photos without loss of quality.
Pumpic for Mac installs easily by dragging the icon into the Applications folder. Once installed, the user is prompted to log in with an existing Pumpic account or to create a new one using their e-mail or Facebook account. Once the user completes the registration process, the application begins scanning the pictures folder or other user-specified destination folders for image files to back up. The application interface is small and has only three sections. The first shows the status of a backup in progress. The second displays the location of the syncing folder, which you can easily modify with the Change button. The only other option on the interface is to uncheck the box to automatically upload pictures to Pumpic at startup. Once the application begins syncing and backing up pictures, the progress is displayed in the first section. In our tests, the program accurately and effectively backed up our test images.
Even though it doesn't offer anything new in the world of photo sharing, Pumpic for Mac's satisfactory performance and free unlimited image hosting make it a useful solution for any Mac user looking for an easy way to back up their images.