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CSS3 Mega Drop Down Menu


CSS3 Mega Drop Down Menu     DOWNLOAD

This Mega Drop Down Menu is a flexible and easy to integrate solution to build your custom menus. The drop down relies only on CSS/XHTML and comes with a fully working contact form.
3 main variants are included : horizontal, vertical aligned on the left and vertical aligned on the right.
The content can be organized into 6 columns based on the 960 grid system. This item comes with 9 color variants (and 2 color schemes for the drop downs – dark and light) and a detailed documentation to help you to customize it.


  • 100% Responsive Mega Menu
  • Working Contact Form
  • 9 color schemes
  • Horizontal and Vertical Layouts
  • Full Width variant
  • Easy to customize
  • Valid HTML/CSS3 markup
  • Cross-Browser Support
  • Up to 6 columns
  • Typography examples
  • Form stylings
  • Left or right alignment
  • Help documentation

Compatible Browsers

This menu has been tested (and works !) with all the following browsers :
  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 2+
  • Safari 3+
  • Opera 10+
  • Chrome 1+