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formReplacer - fully customize your form elements

formReplacer - fully customize your form elements                   DOWNLOAD

The new, version 1.1.3 is working with jQuery 1.10

This jQuery plugin replaces default checkboxes, selects and radioboxes with more flexible and robust counterparts.

The biggest benefit is of course the ability to style those elements however you like!
Say goodbye to the pesky and inconsistent styling. Each element is created using common HTML elements like spans and lists. You only need to alter few CSS rules to completely change their appearance and perfectly match them to your website. Now that’s full control.

More then that, it also:

  • NEWSupports Keyboard Navigation – check it out for yourself! Focus elements with TAB, use arrows to select options on Select Elements, Select-Multiple support also Shift + arrows and Space + CTRL. Checkboxes and Radios can be selected with Space, after focusing.
  • NEWRecognizes “disabled” attribute on inputs and options – see the Preview
  • NEWSupports Right to Left languages – see README for information on RTL
  • provides a super easy way to check/uncheck all checkboxes,
  • allows for selecting a range (with shift-click) of options in Select-Multiple element,
  • uses progressive enhancement – users without JavaScript enabled won’t notice a thing
  • preserves full form functionality ($_GET/$_POST, submitting – all works like it always did!)

Improved interaction and usability:

In case of a checkbox and radio, whole area (label including) is click-able and has hover effects which let user know, it’s click-able.
Note: for this to work you need to supply ‘for’ attribute in Labels, which is the best practice anyway.
Each replaced element is thoroughly documented in the README. CSS file is also fully documented.This way you know exactly what to change!
When you download this code, you will also get layered PSD of all the images used (checkbox, select and radio). You can alter the colors in no time, save, change some CSS rules and you have a completely different theme that matches your website!