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Dynamic Step Process Panels for WordPress


Dynamic Step Process Panels for WordPress                   DOWNLOAD

Dynamic Step Process Panels for WordPress is a lightweight plugin. With it you can present data in the form of any number of steps or tabs. It can be used to:
  • Presentation Of Bulleted Content,
  • Creating Multistep Forms,
  • Creating Product Description,
  • Viewing Photos,
  • Loading Content From Files Via Ajax,
  • Anything That Comes To Your Mind.
  • Features

  • jQuery Based,
  • 16 Predefined Color Skins,
  • Admin Panel,
  • Step By Step / Free Choice Mode,
  • Any Number Of Steps,
  • Any Step Width (CSS-Based),
  • Many Panels On One Site,
  • Next And Previous Buttons,
  • Custom Button Captions,
  • Custom Fade Effect Speed,
  • Step Labels,
  • First Step Can Be Open / Closed At Start,
  • Specify Whether A Particular Step Can Be Choosed Again,
  • Content For Steps Can Be Loaded Via Ajax From Files,
  • Customizable beforeLoad, onLoad, onOpen, afterOpen, onHoverIn, onHoverOut, onOpenPopup, onClosePopup Events,
  • And More!

After Purchase You Get

  • Extensive documentation with many examples,
  • Computed file for all coloristic versions,
  • Packed and unpacked javascript plugin files,
  • PSD files for steps images.